I Am A Nerd: gaining knowledge and enjoyment in pop culture
**New Episode Every Wednesday**
I always tell my son "Back in my day, it wasn't cool to be a nerd" I remember having to hide comics from friends in your locker, getting laughed at because we knew what happened on the latest episode of Power Rangers, or getting in trouble for missing the bus because we were watching Ronin Warriors. Now a new day has dawned and I can stand up with the masses to yell "I am a Nerd". Join us in the celebration of nerdy things old and new as we share our excitement with our like minded peers and you.
Podcasting since 2024 • 17 episodes
I Am A Nerd: gaining knowledge and enjoyment in pop culture
Latest Episodes
Countdown to Captain America: Brave New World - Falcon
Course Description: We are continuing our Countdown to Captain America: Brave New World. This time the Falcon is on the docket, and not just Sam Wilson but we peel back the wings on Joaquin Torres the new Falcon as well.Today's...
Season 1
Episode 14
Countdown to Captain America: Brave New World - Red Hulk
Course Description: We are continuing our Countdown to Captain America: Brave New World. We take a look at the the intriguing character arc of Thunderbolt Ross and his transformation to the Red Hulk.Today's Syllabus: <...
Season 1
Episode 13
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